Are you looking for pregnancy or want to detox your womb? Our Fertility and Womb Detox Tea can cleanse your womb off toxins, balance your hormone, enhance your ovaries, and improve your fertility conditions. It will boost the quality of your eggs, promote hormonal balance, regulate your menstrual cycle, strengthen your uterus, cleanse your womb off toxins, and improve your reproductive system. Each cup offers a refreshing aroma and delightful flavor - a perfect way to relax into your fertility.

  • Opens blocked fallopian tube
  • Prevents and cures gynecological diseases
  • Cleanses the womb off toxins
  • Boost the ovaries and improves fertility
  • Keeps the womb warm and relaxed
  • Diminishs inflammation of the womb
  • Delays menopause and balances hormone
  • Promote uterine health by eliminating old blood, clots and debris
  • Reduce inflammation of the reproductive organs caused by pelvic inflammation or endometriosis
  • Increase circulation of fresh oxygenated blood to the reproductive area
  • Relieve menstrual cramps and regulate menstrual cycles


Put 1-2 tea bags in a cup of freshly boiled water, leave it for 3-5 minutes, stir and drink. Take it twice per day, one in the morning after meals and one at night after meals or before sleep. You can also add lemon or honey according to your personal taste.


Fibroid shrinking can sometimes cause acute pain. As fibroids shrink, they may undergo a process called degeneration, which can lead to pain, particularly if the fibroid outgrows its blood supply. Additionally, when fibroids shrink, they may put pressure on nearby structures, causing discomfort or pain. If you are experiencing significant pain or discomfort, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.

The management of pain caused by fibroid shrinkage can involve various approaches. Here are a few common methods you can use to control the pains:

1. Over-the-counter pain relievers: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate mild to moderate pain. It's important to follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional if needed.

2. Heat therapy: Applying a heating pad or taking warm baths can help relax the muscles and provide temporary relief from pain.

3. Prescription medications: In some cases, your healthcare provider may prescribe stronger pain medications or muscle relaxants to manage more severe pain.

4. Hormonal therapy: Certain hormonal medications, such as birth control pills or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, can help shrink fibroids and reduce associated pain.

5. Relaxation techniques: Engaging in relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga, can help reduce stress and alleviate pain by promoting overall well-being.

6. Physical therapy: Working with a physical therapist can be beneficial in managing pain related to fibroids. They can provide specific exercises and techniques to relieve discomfort and improve muscle strength and flexibility.

7. Lifestyle modifications: Making certain lifestyle changes may help manage fibroid-related pain. These can include regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating a well-balanced diet.

8. Surgical options: If conservative measures are ineffective or if the fibroids cause severe symptoms, surgical interventions like myomectomy (fibroid removal) or hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be considered.

9. Ongoing monitoring: Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are crucial to monitor the size and progression of the fibroids, assess symptoms, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

Remember, the optimal management approach may vary depending on the severity of symptoms, the size and location of the fibroids, and individual circumstances. It's essential to consult with a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan based on your specific situation. They can guide you through the available options and recommend the most suitable approach for managing your pain.


1. You may experience acute stabbing pain and swelling in the abdomen from time to time while using this supplement. The pain and swelling are caused by the release of chemicals from the fibroids as the cells die. You may also experience fever which is another sign of fibroid shrinking.

2. Women are more likely to develop uterine fibroids as they age, a condition caused by hormonal imbalances. If the fibroid is very small, herbal treatments can be adopted to shrink or control the growth of the fibroid. If the fibroid is big, we might suggest you see a qualified doctor or go for surgical treatment. At the same time, patients are advised to visit the hospital every six months during the treatment period to check the size of the fibroids.

3. Most herbal supplements are more effective for prevention purposes and to shrink or control the growth of smaller fibroids. If the fibroid is big already, there’s no guarantee that our herbal supplements will be able to shrink it. You might need to go for surgery and then use our herbal supplements to cleanse the womb, promote hormonal balance, prevent the regrowth of the fibroids, and improve your fertility conditions (if needed).

4. This tea can be consumed as part of a healthy, calorie-restricted diet. If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or prolonged diarrhea occur, stop using the product and consult a qualified doctor.

5. If you're taking any medications or you're in some kind of medical condition or you're under medical supervision, please consult a qualified doctor or healthcare professional before use. 

6. It's not recommended for children, pregnant women, or breastfeeding mothers.

7. Do not drink fertility teas during menstrual period. If you forget and drink it, it will not affect your body or harm you in any way, but it's wise to pause or stop drinking it during your menstrual period and continue your drinking after your menstrual period.

8. Female fertility issues are often due to hormonal imbalances or stress factors that decrease the rate of egg release. You may also want to check with a doctor to determine whether there are any physical causes for low fertility that can be corrected by standard medical procedures.

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