All parcels from Ginax Store are shipped from our retail store in Lagos. If your location is outside Lagos, here's how to track your parcel.
1. If your parcel was shipped via ABC Cargo Express (ABC Transport), click here to track your parcel..
2. If your parcel was shipped via GIG Logistics (GIG Motors), click here to track the parcel.
3. If your parcel was shipped via LIBMOT Express (Libra Motors), click here to track the parcel.
4. If your parcel was shipped via GUO Logistics (GUO Transport), click here to track the parcel.
If your parcel was given to a driver, we will send you the driver's number. Try and keep your phone on and stay in touch with the driver from time to time.
If your parcel was shipped via other logistics and transport companies, feel free to message us on WhatsApp at 0905 698 5101 if you need feedback.